This is no new news that the size of the internet files is ever increasing. The files started as kilobytes and now have progressed to megabytes and this is not the stop they are still growing. The whole process is not disturbing but it is definitely creating an impact on the performance of the online sites.
The maintenance becomes difficult and the whole situation is little tricky to handle. There are bandwidth restriction and slow processing speed which creates huge problems.
The good news is that there are a lot of things the website owners can do to control the whole situation. There are plug-in supports, internal management tips and many other things that can change the whole scenario.
Why Is It Important to Maintain the Speed of the Website?
Most of us feel that when we have such fast-paced internet connection then why do we need to bother about the speed of the website. It is true that internet speed is an important support but that is not it. There are a lot of things that need to be managed for the website to work fine.
The performance and the optimization are not just limited to how fast you can download the content. There are many SEO benefits that one enjoys along with that the decreasing file size and better performance will help the website cut down the cost.
The visitors to the website will enjoy their experience which in turn will make the site popular and enjoy heavy traffic and business. The website speed is the most important determinant of how the site is performing and it must be cared for at all levels.
The website owners are looking for different ways to improve the speed which is because they want the website to respond well to the commands made.
When you have created a website with so much effort there is no way that you should let all those efforts go waste because you cannot provide the visitors to access it well in time. The overall website success depends on the speed for various different users.
When the users see that the website is taking a lot of time to respond to the commands even after it has downloaded then also they get disinterested and they bounce of fthe page. This adversely affects the image of the website and also creates a bad impression even on the search engine ranking.
There are many things that the website owners can do to improve the speed and performance of the website.
Write Smart Codes: The codes that we write to create the website are sometimes the reason for the website to run slowly. The bloated Javascript or inefficient CSS codes can be the reason for spoiling the function of the website.
It is very common to copy paste the codes for creating a file which is not the best way to do things. Write all your codes carefully and every code should be straight and should focus on the requirements and should not waste words on codes which will not be needed.
Optimize the CSS: This one has a direct impact on the page’s speed. The way the CSS are written have a huge impact on the way the site responds. The higher CSS or low-quality codes also affect the speed and the performance.
The website may load fast with this CSS but the process of scrolling and working through the website goes down. This is the experience after the website has loaded on the devices or downloaded on the device. The user finds that experience important and when these codes are not appropriate they create a lot of negative experience.
Choose one style sheet and that should be external highest the CSS sheet will increase the HTTP request. There are many tools that are available for the website owners to improve these codes. They should be clean and absolutely necessary and should not be combined with HTML.
Choosing the Plugins Carefully: There is no doubt that choosing too many plug-ins to decrease the speed of the website. The overuse of plug-ins also lead to a lot of security issues and technical problems which affects the working of the website.
The first step that the website owners should undertake is that they should find out what plug-ins are installed which are not in use and then remove them. The next step should be towards identifying the plug-ins which are not useful and which are slowing the speed of the website.
They should either be deleted or replaced by better working plug-ins. This can simply be done by first deactivating the plug-ins and then check the website speed and performance. It will easily bring out the ones which are the reason the website is not performing at its optimum level.
Use Images Carefully: The websites in order to be visually appealing make use of a lot of media. There are few things that the website owners should focus on when they are using these images. The size, format and src attributes.
The images which are large in size reduces the performance and hence the size should be reduced for speeding up the website’s performance. The format which is accepted is JPEG which will ensure a smooth running website.
The src code should not be empty and should be in accordance with the image style. Take time to create images which will be best suited for your website and that does not decrease the performance of them.
The websites have a lot of factors that work either in favor or against them. the owners should first focus on creating a great website and then shift the focus to ensuring that the website is also performing well.
The elements which were included on the website for improving the image if they are creating a hindrance to the performance then they should be avoided. There is no argument that a website which is up to speed will create a great brand.

Sonal S Sinha is managing director of Shri Krishna Technologies. He has been writing about website designing, digital marketing and WordPress ecosystem for the past 15+ years. He handles the overall operations and in his free time writes suitable blog posts which are knowledgeable and informative.