Since 1996 I’ve written over 1600 articles. These articles have provided me with a decent living in numerous ways.
Today, I want to encourage you to become a writer, generating content for the online world.
Here is how I’ve used the articles that I’ve written:
1) Many of the articles were written specifically to sell affiliate products. Most of those were written using the “problem, agitate, solution” formula. I talked about a problem, explained why it really was a painful problem, and then pointed out a great solution. That worked great.
2) Many other articles were written primarily to attract website traffic. The big key there is a benefits-filled title, and using the right keywords throughout the article. I have number one search engine ranking on many of my most important keywords because of my articles. After, writing the articles, I mere distributed them to key article directories.
3) Some articles I wrote to give to my affiliates, to help them market my products. In those articles, affiliates were encouraged to change the link in the resource box to their affiliate link and then put the article on their sites/blogs as well as in their newsletters. This was very effective.
4) Some articles I wrote to market as private label rights material. People who aren’t very prolific writers generally bought these. I always encouraged my customers to modify the PLR articles, putting parts in their own words. I told them to think of the PLR as just a “rough draft.”
5) Many articles, I have sold. There are numerous sites where you can post articles that you have for sale. There are also dozens of sites that will purchase your articles directly. I found this much more efficient than trying to track down clients.
These are the ways I’ve profited from article marketing over the years. I’m a very prolific writer who can write an article in about 10 minutes, so it’s been a great way of life for. I often grab my laptop and write while sitting at a beach that’s five minutes from my house. It lets me really live “the internet lifestyle.”
Now that you see how easy it can be, I hope that you’ll give it a try too.
Author’s Note: This article previously published here.
Willie Crawford has taught hundreds the art of article marketing over the years. It’s an excellent, reliable business model. For a list of 23 little-known places that will actually buy your articles be sure to visit:
Read more articles written by Willie Crawford

Sonal S Sinha is managing director of Shri Krishna Technologies. He has been writing about website designing, digital marketing and WordPress ecosystem for the past 15+ years. He handles the overall operations and in his free time writes suitable blog posts which are knowledgeable and informative.